
Rising costs for salt and de-icing materials make finding the most economical and safe winter maintenance program possible important..  New worries about the effects de-icing materials have on environmental safety make these workshops even more valuable. Workshop topics can include new technology for ice prevention, budget management, road safety, and other areas of desired interest. These workshops cater to the area of safety.


Example 1: Illinois

Stormwater Management Videos

Description:Lake County has sponsored winter maintenance training workshops for the past four years and has developed a preferred providers list to recognize the public and private practitioners who have passed the course exam.


Example 2: US Roads

US Roads:Road Management Journal

Description: Provides general overview of things to be covered during a workshop. It also mentions ideas that can be addressed or further examined. 


Example 3: EPA

EPA Winter Fact Sheet

Description: A smaller document discussing the proper amount of salt to use and the effects it can have.


Contact Us

Technical Contact
Lydia Utley
E-mail :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone :(765) 494-3580

Mailing Address
195 Marsteller St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907


Program Contact
Kara Salazar
E-mail :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone :(765) 496-1070