Subdivision regulation requiring that all new lots connect to a sewer system
In areas of poor soils, septic systems may not function properly or might fail at unacceptable rates, risking the pollution of ground- and surface-water resources and the contamination of drinking water wells. In such places, requiring off-site wastewater collection and treatment, through either a public or package sewage treatment plant, may be a better option to protect the environment and public health.
Developments may be located too far from existing sewage treatment plants (requiring the use of expensive pump stations), it may be too expensive to install a sewer collector line out to the project before it is scheduled to be extended under a capital improvement program, or an adjacent developer using sewers may charge exorbitant tap-in fee for a competitor to connect to his or her sewer.
Example 1: Illinois
Description: This is a model ordinance from the Illinois EPA for mandatory sewer connections. The second link is to the ordinance Clifton, IL wrote from the model ordinance.
Example 2: Bear Creek Township, Michigan
Description: This is a simplified version of the Sewer Ordinance No. 22-05 adopted by the Bear Creek Board of Trustees.
Example 3: Hanover Township, Pennsylvania
Description: A mandatory sewer connection and use ordinance put in place in 2005.