
Growth controls slow down the rate or number of development permits that are issued in any given year, to ensure that there is sufficient infrastructure available to service the new development.  Many such systems employ a point system, requiring that landowners need to accumulate sufficient points to quality for a building permit, with the points awarded based on existing and projected capacity of the infrastructure and schools in proximity to the development site: the greater the proximity and capacity, the greater the number of points given the landowner.


Growth controls can protect current residents from rapidly escalating taxes to subsidize the infrastructure needed for new development, and protect new residents from receiving inadequate public services when they move into their new developments


Growth controls were justified by constraints on public expenditures for new infrastructure.  They have been largely supplanted by impact fees -- where new development "pays its own way" by having developers pay their pro rata share of infrastructure demand created by their new projects. These fees are passed on to new homeowners, not to current community residents.



Example 1: San Luis Obisbo, CA

San Luis Obisbo Growth Ordinance

Description: San Luis Obisbo’s growth ordinance has several growth controlled developments specifically listed with it and is an example for other communities


Example 2: Lyndeborough, NH

Lyndeborough Growth Management Ordinance

Description: A growth management ordinance with several restrictions on growth pace and quantity.


Contact Us

Technical Contact
Lydia Utley
E-mail :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone :(765) 494-3580

Mailing Address
195 Marsteller St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907


Program Contact
Kara Salazar
E-mail :  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone :(765) 496-1070