Extension Publications

Tipping Point Planner Curriculum 

Urban Best Management and Low Impact Development Practices

Agricultural Best Management Practices


Research Publications

Quantifying Landscape Nutrient Inputs With Spatially Explicit Nutrient Source Estimate Maps

Chen, J., Liu, Y., Gitau, M., Engle, B., Flanagan, D., and Harbor, J. (2019). Evaluation of the effectiveness of green infrastructure on the hydrology and water quality in a combined sewer overflow community. Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 655. 69-79.

Liu, Y., Wang, R., Guo, T., Engel, B. Et al. (2019). Evaluating efficiencies and cost-effectiveness of best management practices in improving agricultural water quality using integrated SWAT and cost evaluation tool. Journal of Hydrology. Vol 577.

Liu, Y., Engel, B., Flanagan, D., Gitau, M., McMillan, S., and Chaubey, I. (2017). A review on effectiveness of best management practices in improving hydrology and water quality: Needs and opportunities. Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 601-602. 580-593.

Li, F., Liu, Y., Engel, B., Chen, J., and Sun, H. (2019). Green infrastructure practices simulation on the impacts of land use on surface runoff: Case study in Ecorse River watershed, Michigan. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 233. 603-611.


Other Publications

With GIS, Communities See How Land-Use Changes May Affect Local Water Quality

Mapping Nutrient Inputs in the Great Lakes Basin