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Land Transformation Model
Stream Health Model
Spatially Explicit Nutrient Sources
L-THIA Model
Food Web Model

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A tipping point is a threshold of human-induced ecological stress and indicators of natural resource condition that can indicate change in how ecosystems function. If tipping points are crossed and result in unfavorable changes, transitioning from the new equilibrium state back to the old equilibrium state may be difficult—if not impossible. Forcing a complex adaptive system to revert back to an old equilibrium state, if even possible, often requires considerable amounts of energy and potentially monetary resources if humans engage in system restoration efforts.

 Ball in Basin

Tipping Point Planner in Your Watershed

Tipping Point Planner was designed for use as a facilitated data driven tool for community visioning discussions and public involvement in the decision making process for natural resources planning and implementation projects. The Tipping Point Planner facilitation process results in an action plan that includes an overview of the current community status, whether the community is nearing or exceeding Great Lakes tipping points, and provides customized education strategies, example policies, and sample ordinances to improve current conditions.

Find a facilitator in your state in the contacts list and request a Tipping Point Planner workshop for your community.